The challenge and approach
Traditionally the training provided by the Tissue Viability Team has always been face-to-face due to the nature of the content.
Moving to a virtual format of training was a significant change for the tissue viability team and not what we really wanted, however in the challenging times of COVID, the team have kept in mind that the main goal was to meet the learning and development needs of our health care professionals within CCICP and help develop new skills and improve patient care.
Staff taking part in these sessions can work at their own pace independently and most importantly, safely.
The expert-led virtual sessions promote effective time management, not having to commute back and forth to a training room which ultimately frees up their time to care for patients. The training can be provided in any convenient location for example, in the staff members own home.
The sessions also allow you to be able to learn clinical skills and increase knowledge as you would learn face to face but in a much safer environment been able to maintain social distancing.
Following the recent sessions, we have had good uptake and very positive feedback.
Next steps
- Continue to provide virtual training to staff members
- Look at other training modules that could be provided in a virtual manner
- Pressure ulcer prevention virtual filmed presentation
- React to red for our local nursing homes.
The Outcome
Expert-led virtual training has been well attended and received. Feedback from staff is positive. Up to date, we have trained 78 staff.
With the launch of the CCICP wound care clinics, the training has been integral in order to ensure staff have the correct knowledge, support and guidance to provide high quality, safe care to patients involving holistic wound assessmen