The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is designed to help organisations gauge their current state of race equality and track what progress is being made to identify and promote talented black and minority ethnic (BME) staff, as well as helping to eliminate wider aspects of discrimination in the treatment of BME staff. 

The WRES takes a small number of indicators and requires NHS organisations to close the gap between the BME and white staff experience for those indicators. 

WRES Annual Report and action plan - 2023

The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is designed to help organisations gauge their current state of race equality and track what progress is being made to identify and promote talented black and minority ethnic (BME) staff, as well as helping to eliminate wider aspects of discrimination in the treatment of BME staff. The WRES takes a small number of indicators and requires NHS organisations to close the gap between the BME and white staff experience for those indicators. This annual report summarises the key findings, observations and an action plan which seeks to reflect the Trusts commitment to ensuring Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is an inclusive workplace for all staff, and one where those with diverse cultural heritage can thrive.  The report has been reviewed through internal governance and assurance meetings, including the Trusts Equality Diversity and Inclusion steering group, the Trusts Cultural Diversity Staff Network, and a review at Trust Board. You can find the document below.
