A new clinical strategy for 2023-2028
We have designed four models of care which are based around our population’s differing needs.
These care models will form the basis of all our plans and are described in the clinical strategy.
Each of the four care models offers what we call ‘an integrated model of care’ which means that both hospital and community services, work together within each of the models.

Involving our patients, their loved ones and our communities in their hospitals and care
We want to know what you think of the strategy and how it can help us plan and design the New Hospital Campus.
The full clinical strategy is here
There are also going to be opportunities to get involved in more of our work. We want to make sure we hear from patients, carers and loved ones who have ‘Lived Experience’ of using our services. If you are interested please email: engaginghealthierfutures
You can also help us hear your view by clicking this link to complete a short survey. Our leaflet describes the strategy and our plans.