What do we do?

MCHCharity_Long.svgMid Cheshire Hospitals Charity is a registered charity which supports the excellent work of Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We do this by providing state-of-the-art equipment, new facilities and all the added extras that make people’s experience at our hospitals the best it can be.

We also fund specialised training for our staff, which enhances their skills and helps them to provide even better care to their patients. We couldn’t do any of this without the ongoing support, hard work and generosity of our local communities who donate to, and fundraise for, the charity.

How can I help?

You can support any area of our hospitals (Leighton Hospital in Crewe, Victoria Infirmary in Northwich, or Elmhurst Intermediate Care Centre in Winsford) or our community based services by making a donation, fundraising for the charity, or by leaving a gift in your Will.

You can make a donation in a number of ways. You can donate at any of our hospitals, send a cheque through the post (made payable to Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity) make a card payment over the phone, or donate online. We can also arrange for you to make a regular donation to the area of your choice. If you can, please remember to Gift Aid your donation so that we can collect an extra 25% through the government’s Gift Aid scheme. When you make a donation we will provide you with a temporary receipt and ask for some details so that we can write to thank you and to ensure the donation goes to the fund of your choice.

There are hundreds of ways in which you can fundraise - the choice is yours! Whatever you choose to do, we are here to support you through your fundraising journey and can offer lots of advice and information to help make whatever you do a huge success.

There are lots of rules and laws that govern certain types of fundraising, so please contact us before you start so that we can discuss them with you. We will then provide you with a letter demonstrating our support for your fundraising, as well as lots of other resources to help you.

We also offer plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with events such as runs, treks, skydives and once-in-a-lifetime challenges overseas. Please visit our website for more information.

Every year we spend thousands of pounds helping to make our services the best they can be for patients and staff. The charity exists to enhance and improve the care and experience of patients, so everything we pay for is ‘over and above’ what the NHS provides as standard. Some of the ways we have used donations include:

  • Purchasing an additional £1m MRI scanner
  • Paying for complementary therapies and counselling for patients being treated for cancer
  • Purchasing recliner chairs which enable patients to get out of bed sooner and sit more comfortably
  • Refurbishment of an area at Victoria Infirmary to provide facilities to treat older patients suffering from sight loss
  • Providing a new £1.8m state-of-the-art Neonatal Unit through our ‘1 in 11’ appeal