Improvement Matters and Tools to Use
At Mid Cheshire we follow a 6-step process to making improvements, called our Improvement Matters 6Ds.
The 6Ds provide a structured framework to understand the problem without jumping to a solution, to explore the root causes and ideas for improvement, to test and track these on a small scale and to sustain and celebrate our successes.
We use the A3 tool for all of our improvement work to encourage problem solving and scientific thinking.
Starting your Improvement Project and using the A3:
Please log your Improvement Project on the Improvement Tracker before you start and then work through the 6D steps within the A3.
The A3 is the key tool used at MCHFT for improvement projects. It includes the 6D steps and provides a structured framework for thinking through a problem that helps you to fully understand a problem and the root causes before jumping to a solution. It is a live document which you update as you progress your improvement work and is a great visual, communication tool that allows you to tell the whole story on one page and invite contributions from others.
Once you have completed your improvement A3, please upload it the Improvement Tracker to share and celebrate learnings.
The A3 template can be found in the 'Describe' step in our toolbox below and we recommend that you work through this throughout your project from start to finish.
Improvement Resources:
A toolbox of tried and tested tools, techniques and templates underpins each the 6Ds to support staff in problem-solving and making improvements.
These resources are all provided below under each of the 6D steps for you to select from. The idea is that you choose which tools best suit your improvement work - you aren't expected to use them all!
Describe the problem you are trying to solve and engage with others to build the will and case for change!
The Describe step focuses on the problem or issue that you are trying to solve. It is really important to engage others in describing the actual problem and aligning it to our Strategic Improvement Aims and priorities.
Remember to start working through the A3 from the beginning of your improvement work.
A3 - A problem-solving tool to guide you through your improvement project and capture progress and learnings at each step.
Some useful tools to use at the Describe step:
- Stakeholder Analysis Tool - Consider who is impacted by, or can influence, your project in order to plan engagement
Diagnose the problem and use observation and data to understand the current state and root cause!
The Diagnose phase focuses on understanding the current ‘as is’ state and the root causes of the problem or issues through direct observation, collection of data and insight, such as staff and patient feedback, and tools such as 5 Whys and Fishbone Diagrams. This Diagnose phase helps to develop a deep understanding of the processes, barriers and wastes in the system and avoid jumping to solutions without truly understanding the problem and root causes.
Some useful tools to use at the Diagnose step:
- 8 Wastes - Waste Walk - Identify wastes and non value added activity that can be removed
- 5 Whys - Understand the root causes of the problem by asking 5 Whys
- Fishbone Diagram - Cause and effect analysis to explore a wide range of possible root causes before defining solutions (useful video: https://
www. ) watch? v=387chd8p54c& t=2s - Pareto Chart - Uses the 80:20 rule to identify and focus efforts on the problems that offer the greatest potential for improvement (useful video: https://
www. ) watch? v=zbDRH2ASyqQ - Spaghetti Diagram - Map flows to identify waste and opportunities for improvement
- Process Mapping - Map process steps to identify issues, bottlenecks, barriers and opportunities for improvement
- Gemba Booklet
Design your project by agreeing your aim and the change ideas to achieve your aim!
The Design step builds on your knowledge of how the system is currently performing in order to plan the improvement. Here you will design your project by setting a SMART aim of what you are trying to achieve and identifying change ideas that will help you achieve your aim and make your improvements.
Some useful tools to use at the Design step:
- Aim Statement - Define what it is you are trying to achieve by setting a SMART aim
- Driver Diagram - Identify the change ideas that may help you to achieve your aim (useful videos: https://
www. and watch? v=yfcE_Q-IRFg& t=4s www. ) watch? v=A2491BJcyXA - 5S (often known as 6S) - Visual system for improvement to maintain an organised, clean and high performing workplace
- 6 Thinking Hats - Consider the issue or problem from different perspectives and generate potential improvement ideas
- Fresh Eyes - Consider the issue or problem from different perspectives and generate potential improvement ideas
- That’s Impossible - Move away from focusing on the current reality to considering different potential solutions
- Brainstorming Diagram and Affinity Diagram - Generate and theme lots of new ideas for improvement
- PICK Chart - Categorise and prioritise your ideas for improvement based on impact vs input required
Data to set your improvement measures and monitor data over time to measure any improvements!
The Data step focuses on setting your improvement measures (outcome, process and balancing measures) and planning how you will collect and monitor data over time to track whether your changes are making improvements.
Some useful tools to use at the Data step:
- Run Chart - A line graph of data plotted over time which will help to identify and communicate variation in a process (useful video: https://
www. and watch? v=YQd1QoMHYwU& t=1s www. ) watch? v=8e38RCU8-uA - SPC Chart - More sophisticated than a run chart with control limits to help understand the scale of a problem, identify patterns of variation and monitor the impact of changes being tested (useful video: https://
www. and watch? v=9kmbIj5zRtA& t=1s www. ) watch? v=lQ3woMr822U& t=1s - Pareto Chart - Uses the 80:20 rule to identify and focus efforts on the problems that offer the greatest potential for improvement (useful video: https://
www. ) watch? v=zbDRH2ASyqQ - Measurement Plan - Agree your measures (outcome, process and balancing) and plan your data collection (useful video: https://
www. ) watch? v=Za1o77jAnbw& t=1s - Understanding Variation - Understand what the data is telling us by using specific variatio rules for Run Charts and SPC Charts
Do your tests of change using PDSA cycles - test changes at pace in iterative cycles and monitor impact!
The Do step focuses on testing change ideas using Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles to find out if they are starting to make an improvement or whether you need to adapt, abandon or adopt. The emphasis is on small scale tests of change, at pace and in rapid iterative cycles, using data and insight to monitor impact.
Some useful tools to use at the Do step:
- PDSA Template - A clear structure for your tests of change (useful video: https://
www. and watch? v=evVIMpzahc8 www. and watch? v=_-ceS9Ta820& t=2s www. ) watch? v=eYoJxjmv_QI
Develop your project by scaling up, sustaining, spreading and sharing your improvements!
The Develop step is vital in helping to ensure that your improvements stick and become the new ways of working. Without this focus, things may easily resort back to the previous way of doing things. It is also important that we share learnings with others so we can celebrate the improvement work happening across the Trust.
Some useful tools to use at the Develop step:
- Sustainability Tool - Diagnostic tool to identify strengths, weaknesses and likelihood of your improvements sustaining
- Embed and Sustain Plan - Plan how you will embed and sustain your improvements so they become part of the day to day work
- Complete A3 - Share your improvement journey by capturing your learnings and progress throughout (Once you have completed your A3, remember to upload it to the Improvement Tracker)
- QI Poster - Share the learnings and outcomes of your improvement work so your improvement efforts can be celebrated across the Trust
- Standard Work - Helps you to reduce variability in a process by using the current best known way of carrying it out.
The Continuous Improvement Team love to hear about all your fantastic improvement work so please do share your completed projects with us: improvementmatters
- Health Foundation Guide – QI Made Simple
- Making Data Counts - Resources and training around using data for improvement
- NHS England and Improvement Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) tools
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
- Quality Improvement in Healthcare - https://
www. watch? v=jq52ZjMzqyI& t=17s - Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge https://
www. and watch? v=xKv--YA8XJE& t=1s www. watch? v=STTwZGNvLmM