• Improvement Coaches Programme -

We launched our new Improvement Coaches Programme at Mid Cheshire in March 2023 and we'll be releasing new dates to begin in May 2024 very shortly! This interactive Improvement Coaches Programme will build on the knowledge and skills gained through the Improvement Champions course and advance improvement knowledge and capability, whilst also developing skills and confidence in the art of improvement coaching and facilitation to support others leading improvement projects.  We can't wait to support our new Improvement Coaches over the coming months as they complete the training and begin coaching others around improvement at the Trust.

  • New! Cohort 6 Improvement Champions Programme

We are excited to open applications for the next Improvement Champions Programme at MCHFT, delivered by the Continuous Improvement Team in partnership with AQUA (Advancing Quality Alliance). This is your opportunity to widen your knowledge of improvement techniques whilst undertaking an improvement project of your choosing, based on a problem aligned to a divisional priority.  

This innovative and interactive programme is designed to coach and support you in leading improvement projects with confidence using the Improvement Matters 6Ds approach. It also provides you with the tools, techniques and habit-forming routines to incorporate improvement behaviours into your everyday work, helping to build our culture of continuous improvement at Mid Cheshire.

For more information, have a read through the Improvement Champions Information Sheet and make sure you apply by February 2nd 2024 to: improvementmatters@mcht.nhs.uk

  • MCHFT Improvement Fundamentals Course -

An interactive 3-hour training session, held face-to-face, once a month, that is designed to give you an introduction to Improvement Matters - our continuous improvement approach here at Mid Cheshire. This class is aimed at giving you a better understanding of what continuous improvement is, and to introduce you to the A3 and fundamental improvement tools and techniques that you can use in your areas to make improvement happen. This course is open to everyone, so book on via ESR directly or contact Education.Bookings@mcht.nhs.uk to request your place.

Dates available:

  • February 22nd 2024, Infinity House, Training Room 1, 1.00pm-4.00pm
  • March 14th 2024, Infinity House, Training Room 2, 1.00pm-4.00pm
  • April 11th 2024, Debrief Room at Leighton, 09.30am-12.30pm
  • May 16th 2024,  Learning Hub 6 at Leighton, 09.30am-12.30pm
  • June 12th 2024, Infinity House, Training Room 2, 09.30am-12.30pm
  • July date TBC
  • August 22nd 2024, Infinity House, Training Room 2, 09.30am-12.30pm


  •  Measurement for Improvement Masterclass -

A quarterly virtual and interactive 1 hour training session open to all. Are you doing some improvement work and need support on how to measure whether your changes are making an improvement?                                                                                                                           Are you interested in measuring improvement?                                                                       Does the thought of using data in improvement work make you nervous?                               If YES then this short masterclass is for YOU!                                                                                In this short Measurement for Improvement Masterclass, you will learn about the benefits of using data in your improvement work, where you can access data at MCHFT and the tools and techniques to gather data simply in your areas, understand variation and measure change. 

Dates available:

  • 8th April 2024
  • 1st July 2024 (all 11.00am -12.00pm)

Book onto a Measurement for Improvement Masterclass by contacting improvementmatters@mcht.nhs.uk with your requested date

  • Advanced Improvement Practitioner (AIP) Programme -

Apply to AQUA's AIP programme designed to support senior and aspiring senior staff with leading and facilitating improvement at system level. Please contact the Continuous Improvement Team for information about the application process: improvementmatters@mcht.nhs.uk