Publish date: 29 September 2022

£14.1 million has been allocated to build a Cheshire Elective Hub at Victoria Infirmary Northwich (VIN).
The proposed development will have a range of state-of-the-art clinical areas to support patient care, including two theatres, recovery area and consulting rooms.
Mid Cheshire Hospital Trust’s plans will ensure the long-term sustainability of services provided at VIN and will work with health and care partners from across Cheshire to provide care for a range of patients across both Cheshire West and Cheshire East.
When the centre is built it is hoped that the Cheshire Elective Hub will treat thousands of patients each year from across Mid-Cheshire and the wider Cheshire boroughs.
Across the UK elective procedures, or those procedures that are planned, have been impacted by the COVID-19, creating a backlog of patients waiting for treatment.
The development of the Cheshire Elective Hub aligns with NHS plans to ensure elective surgery is not affected by hospital A&E pressures.
It is aimed at creating a centre for treating more patients, reducing waiting times and providing a significantly improved patient experience, protecting vital elective services from urgent and emergency care pressures on acute hospital sites including Leighton.
Ian Moston, Chief Executive at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are delighted to have been allocated the funding to enable us to progress the plans for a Cheshire Elective Hub at Victoria Infirmary Northwich.
We know how important the VIN is to our local communities and we will ensure that we keep people updated and informed about the progress as well as identifying opportunities to share thoughts and feedback.”
Karen Bowman, General Manager of the VIN added “The creation of the Cheshire Elective Hub will have a huge impact on patient experience and will enable us to treat patients across the Cheshire community.”
“The new hub, along with the recent investment and creation of our Community Diagnostic Centre at the VIN supports our ambition of bringing crucial health services closer to home”
The historical significance and the listed building status of Victoria Infirmary Northwich will be enhanced and preserved as an important element of this project, along with the ambition to achieve net zero carbon.