Publish date: 13 April 2022

104. Theatre - staff smiling.jpgMid Cheshire has been ranked in the top three in the North West for NHS colleagues recommending their Trust as a place to work and as a place for care following the results of the annual NHS staff survey.

Each autumn everyone who works in the NHS in England is invited to take part in the NHS Staff Survey. The survey offers a snapshot in time of how people experience their working lives, gathered at the same time each year. 

For the first time, in 2021 the questions were aligned with the NHS People Promise to track progress against its ambition to make the NHS the workplace we all want it to be by 2024. 

James Sumner, Chief Executive of the Trust said:

“Our staff are what makes Mid Cheshire so special and I would like to thank our colleagues for making their voice count by taking part in this year’s Staff Survey.

“It remains very important that our staff take the opportunity to give feedback on the things that matter to them; to help us keep improving their working lives and support them as much as we can.

“I am delighted and proud that Mid Cheshire has been ranked in the top three in the North West for NHS colleagues recommending their Trust as a place to work and ranked second for our colleagues recommending the Trust to their family or friends for care.

“This is a testament to the hard work and dedication that is consistently shown across all of our staff in our hospitals and in the community.

“The Staff Survey provides a great opportunity for us to reflect not just on the areas we have performed well in but also identify where we still need to focus our attention over the next year and beyond.”

The full set of results are available here.