Publish date: 15 August 2024

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to announce that three new Non-Executive Directors are joining the Board of Directors.

Terry Whalley, Tony Okotie and Diana Hampson MBE bring with them many years of experience across the public sector, including education, charities and housing.

Terry Whalley is a former Governor of the Trust and brings a wealth of private and public sector experience, having spent more than 30 years leading transformational change across a variety of sectors. He has spent the last 10 years working within the NHS and is currently New Models of Care Director for Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board. Terry’s past and current experience of the NHS as well as the health and care system will support the delivery of the Trust’s priorities and ambitions.

Tony Okotie has worked in the voluntary sector for over 20 years and is currently the Director of Impact at BBC Children in Need, with responsibility for leading the charity’s’ grants teams and grant programmes across the UK. He is an experienced Non-Executive Director, having held roles as Trustee and Chair of various voluntary organisations, including as a Non-Executive Director within the NHS for thirteen years. He is currently a Non-Executive Director, Deputy Chair and Senior Independent Director of Muir Housing Group and a Trustee at the Torus Foundation.

Diana Hampson MBE is a Chartered Surveyor who has recently retired from the role of Chief Property Officer at the University of Manchester, which she held for 27 years, and was awarded an MBE in 2020 for services to higher education and the community in Greater Manchester. During her time with the University, Diana oversaw a significant remodelling of the estate, including many large and complex projects, delivering over £3 billion of capital development, the most ambitious capital build programme in the history of UK Higher Education. Diana is also a Non-Executive Director at Onward Housing Association and brings her experience of construction and estates transformation specifically to our Healthier Futures programme.

Acting Trust Chair Lesley Massey said: “I am delighted to welcome all three to our team at Mid Cheshire. Our mission is to inspire hope and provide unparalleled care for the people and communities of Cheshire and I have no doubt our talented new colleagues will help us to deliver our ambitions.”