The Alcohol Care Team are based in the hospital.

Working Monday to Friday, the service can deliver brief interventions and offer support around reduction plans, detox regimens and signposting for a variety of support services that are available in the community, including:

  • Community Alcohol teams
  • Family Support – Al Anon, Motherwell
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Social Support – including education, travel passes, benefit checks, gym membership.
  • Armed Forces links

The nurses will complete a full assessment and will work with each patient to create an individual care plan. They will support each patient throughout their admission and liaise with community teams to ensure a joined-up treatment plan is in place.

A detox is a medically assisted withdrawal programme that will alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. This is prescribed treatment the consists of a reducing dose of medication. Alongside this you will also be prescribed thiamine, this may be administered orally or intravenously.

Thiamine is an essential vitamin that will aid recovery of your liver and brain.

A detox can take between five and seven days, but this does vary and is dependent on the individual.

Detox should not occur more than every six months as there are risks associated with regular detoxes.

You can read more about this here.

CGL provide support in the community for patients who live in Cheshire East - click here


VIA provide the support for patients who live in Cheshire West ​​​​​​​- click here

Nationally support can be accessed from:

Alcoholics Anonymous
They provide support for anyone and everyone and is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics.
Tel: 0800 9177 650

Al-Anon Family and Friends Group
Here support can be found for anyone whose life is, or has been affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not.
Tel: 0800 0086 811

Is an independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK. They are there to help people make better choices about drinking.
Tel: 020 7766 9900

British Liver Trust
Providing information on health conditions related to the liver.
Tel: 0800 652 7330

Lower My Drinking app
If you have a smartphone download the Lower My Drinking app. This app can help you work out why you drink and gives you expert advice and tools to help you reduce you drinking to the recommended 14 units or less a week. Click here.