Endoscopy is a procedure that uses an endoscope (a long, thin, flexible, lighted tube with a small camera inside) to look inside your gullet, stomach, bowel, bladder or lungs to diagnose or treat a condition. It was developed to work out what was wrong with people, but has quickly become a way of performing therapeutic procedures which, in the past, would have needed surgery.
Endoscopy is generally done as a day case procedure using local anaesthesia or conscious sedation.
We also provide inpatient endoscopy services, working with our colleagues on the wards to provide timely care to those patients who need it.
We care for patients having many types of endoscopy, including:
Gastroscopy and associated therapeutic procedures
Colonoscopy and associated therapeutic procedures
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Enteral feeding tube insertions
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Bronchoscopy and associated therapeutic procedures
Endoscopic Bronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)
Cystoscopy and associated therapeutic procedures.