Giving Birth on the Midwifery Led Unit (MLU)

MLU Birthing room pool 2.jpgThe MLU is a small birth centre at Leighton Hospital, run by Midwives.  Although no Doctors work on the MLU, it is located near the Labour Ward where there are Doctors and facilities available if complications occur.

There are 3 ensuite birthing rooms, all of which have a birthing pool. All rooms are decorated to have a modern, relaxing, homely feel. Mood lighting is available in each room that can be controlled by you.

MLU Birthing room 1.jpgAll rooms have patio doors with access to an outdoor courtyard. Birthing balls, bean bags and other birthing aids are available if requested. There is a shared kitchen where you can prepare your own refreshments and snacks.

What pain relief is available in the MLU?

  • 55. Maternity - water birth.jpgHydrotherapy (water birth)
  • Alternative positions using the birthing balls, mats, and beanbags
  • TENS
  • Entonox (gas and air)
  • Pethidine or Diamorphine injections
  • All Midwives are trained to support hypnobirthing53. Maternity - training.jpg
  • Aromatherapy and other complementary techniques can be provided on the MLU by Midwives.



Following Birth in the MLU

When you have had your baby you should be able to go home a couple of hours after birth. The Midwife will check that you and your baby are both well, and that you are happy with feeding and caring for your baby.  

Once both you and the Midwife are happy they will provide you with information about how to contact someone if you are concerned once you have gone home. The Community Midwife will usually visit you the next day, unless you have an additional appointment at the hospital.  The Community Midwife will then arrange further visits at home as required.

For more information about after the birth of your baby follow the link below:

If you need to stay in hospital for any medical reason you will be transferred to the Postnatal Ward (Ward 23). If necessary, you will normally be transferred to the Postnatal Ward (Ward 23) within a couple of hours.  We encourage all parents to keep their babies warm during transfer to the Postnatal Ward by keeping their baby in skin-to-skin contact.  This has been shown to promote mother and infant bonding, as well as reducing the incidence of babies becoming cold and possibly requiring admission to the Neonatal Unit.

The length of stay on the Postnatal Ward would be dependent upon the reason for admission.  You will be discharged home from hospital when you and your baby are well.