To help you through your pregnancy journey and the early days of parenthood, you may find the following links to external, evidence based resources useful.
- Cheshire East Contact Hub (Wirral Community Health and Care). The Contact Hub makes it easier for families to contact children and young people’s services in Cheshire East.
- Directory of services for Maternity Care in Cheshire and Merseyside (Improving Me)
- Importance of relationship building (Baby Friendly Initiative UK). Ways to help you to bond with your baby during pregnancy.
- Maternity and paternity benefits and leave (
- Perinatal Mental health (MCHFT)
- Pregnancy (NHS)
- Rhesus disease - prevention (NHS). If your blood group is rhesus negative, you will be offered an anti-D injection, more information can be found on this link.
- Seat belt advice (NHS)
- Sex in pregnancy (NHS)
- Schedule of antenatal appointments (NICE). A list of routine appointments, and what may happen at your appointments.
- Screening tests for you and your baby (
- Travelling in pregnancy (NHS)
- Working when pregnant, your rights (
- Your antenatal care (NHS). Describes the care you will receive while you are pregnant.
- Your baby's movements in pregnancy (Tommy's) - If you are concerned about your baby's movements at any time please contact the Maternity Triage department on 01270 273316.
- Asthma and pregnancy (Asthma UK)
- Epilepsy Medicines in Pregnancy (
- Infections that may affect your baby (NHS) such as Chickenpox, Chlamydia, German Measles/Rubella, Hepatitis B, HIV, Slapped Cheek/Parvovirus, Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis.
- Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy (NHS)
- Blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis) (NHS)
- Gestational Diabetes (Gestational Diabetes UK)
- Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (NHS)
- High blood pressure (NHS)
- Measles (NHS)
- MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) (NHS)
- Mumps (NHS)
- Pre-eclampsia (NHS)
- Severe itching and Obstetric Cholestasis (NHS)
- Shingles (NHS)
- Tuberculosis (TB) (NHS)
- Vaginal Bleeding (NHS)
- Cheshire Change Hub (Cheshie West and Chester). A local health and wellbeing service to offer the support needed to live a healthier, happier life.
- Common Approach to Children's Health (CATCH App). A free NHS health app for parents and carers of children from pregnancy to age 5.
- Common health problems in pregnancy (NHS)
- Drinking alcohol while pregnant (NHS)
- Eat well guide (NHS)
- Exercise in pregnancy (NHS)
- Fit for Pregnacy (Pelvic Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy)
- Help to stop smoking (NHS)
- Illegal drugs in pregnancy (NHS)
- Iron deficiency anaemia (NHS)
- One You Cheshire East (Cheshire East). Local support to help you lose weight, move more, and be smoke free. New services include stand strong and healthy baby and you.
- Pregnancy (NHS). This includes all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.
- Pregnancy planner tool (Tommy's)
- Sleep positions in pregnancy (Tommy's)
- Test Your Breath leaflet (Smoke Free Action). Information about the effects of carbon monoxide on you and your baby.
- Vaccinations in pregnancy (NHS)
- Your baby's movements in pregnancy (Tommy's) - If you are concerned about your baby's movements at any time please contact the Maternity Triage department on 01270 273316.
- Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC) - Helping parents and professionals through antenatal screening.
- British Heart Foundation - Charity with a vision of a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. Raising money to research cures and treatments, to give people more time with the ones they love.
- Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) - A small charity supporting people born with a cleft and their families in the UK
- Downs Syndrome Association - A national organisation, committed to improving quality of life for people who have Down’s syndrome, promoting their right to be included on a full and equal basis with others.
- SANDS - Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK. Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it.
- Steps - Steps is the leading charity working for all those whose lives are affected by childhood lower limb conditions .
- Choosing where to give birth (NHS)
- Delivering the placenta (NHS)
- How to make a birth plan (NHS)
- Hypnobirthing (Positive Birth Company)
- Induction of labour (NHS)
- Labour and birth (NHS)
- Optimal cord clamping (Blood to baby)
- Pack your bag for labour (NHS)
- Pain relief in labour (NHS)
- Birthmarks (NHS)
- Caring for your baby at night (UNICEF)
- Child benefits and how to claim (
- Contraception (NHS)
- Dads Zone (Lullaby Trust)
- Lift the Baby Campaign (YouTube)
- MCHFT discharge video (YouTube)
- Never shake babies (ICON)
- Pelvic floor (RCOG)
- Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy (RCOG)
- Postnatal Exercises (POGP)
- Registering birth (Cheshire East Council)
- Safe Sleep (Lullaby Trust)
- Signs and symptoms of possible illness in your baby (NHS)
- Signs of illness in your baby (NHS)
- Soothing a crying baby (NHS)
- Vitamin K and newborns: what you need to know (NCT)
- Your body after the birth of your baby (NHS)
- Benefits of colostrum for the sick or pre-term baby (Vimeo video)
- BFI Accredited (UNICEF). Information about the Baby Friendly Initiative and the accreditation programme for hospitals.
- Bosom Buddies Breastfeeding Support Chester and Ellesmere Port (Facebook Page)
- Breastfeeding Friendly Chester (Facebook)
- Cherubs of Cheshire Facebook Page. Cheshire Really Useful Breastfeeding Service.
- Dorset Healthcare Breastfeeding Course (Dorset Healthcare Video)
- Hand expression (UNICEF YouTube video)
- Maximising breastmilk (UNICEF YouTube video)
- Meeting baby for the first time (UNICEF YouTube video)
- More than just food (Baby Friendly Initiative UK video)
- Positioning and attachment (Baby Friendly Initiative UK video)
- UNICEF Resources (UNICEF)
- Vomiting or posseting following feeds (NHS)