About us

At the Eye Care Centre, we provide both general and sub-specialty Ophthalmology clinics to cover a wide range of eye diseases and visual problems.

We treat patients of all ages and have a 24-hour on call emergency eye service.  Our ethos is to provide the highest possible quality of care, delivered safely to all our patients.

The multi-disciplinary Eye Care team consists of Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists, Nurses, technical and support staff.

The eye is a complex structure and different eye conditions require different types of assessment and treatment.

As such, many of our clinics are sub-specialised to ensure that when you attend your appointment you are seen by a specialist who is highly trained in that particular area of eye care, and have access to other department staff and tests to accurately assess, diagnose and then manage your eye condition.



Welcome to the Ophthalmology Department at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  We offer our patients a wide range of treatments for many different eye conditions.

Our eye care service is based across our two sites; the primary centre is at Leighton Hospital with a satellite clinic at Victoria Infirmary, Northwich.

The Eye Care Centre at Leighton Hospital is situated at the south-end, near the front entrance of the Hospital, just off Smithy Lane. 

Our Northwich site is located in the Outpatients department at the Victoria Infirmary, where you will need to report to Main Reception on arrival.


Contact us

If you have a query regarding a new appointment in the Eye Care Centre, please contact:

  • New Appointments on 01270 612200


If you have a query regarding a follow up appoinemnt in the Eye Care Centre, please contact:

  • Ophthalmology Telephone Room on 01270 612209


If you have a query regarding the Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) clinic, please contact:

  • AMD secretary on 01270 273201


If you have a query and you need to speak with one of the consultants secretaries or our triage team, please contact:

  • Leighton Hospital Switch Board on 01270 255141 and ask to be connected to the appropriate person.


Compliments and Complaints 

If you wish to provide feedback to us, please visit the Patient Advice and Complaints Team page, where you will find information on how to submit your compliment or complaint. 

At Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust we provide a comprehensive range of emergency and elective services for all types of eye disorders whether routine or specialist

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD clinic)

  • Artificial eye service

  • Botulinum Toxin – in the treatment of blepharospasm and squint

  • Cataract service

  • Children’s eye service – Orthoptic and Paediatric eye disorders

  • Contact lens service

  • Cornea and external eye disease

  • Diabetic retinopathy service 

  • Emergency eye service, including triage

  • General ophthalmology

  • Glaucoma one stop service

  • Laser treatment

  • Low Vision Aid service

  • Minor eyelid operations under local anaesthetic (e.g. infected cyst removal)

  • Neuro – Ophthalmology and adult strabismus (squint) service

  • Ocular imaging and diagnostic services

  • Oculoplastics service

  • Refraction – glasses tests

  • Ultrasound clinic

We run daily casualty clinics for patients with eye problems requiring more urgent treatment.

To see one of our casualty team you will need to be referred by your Optometrist, GP or other health care professional, where you will be given an appointment with one of our Doctors, Specialist Nurses or Specialist Optometists depending on the urgency of your case. We operate a telephone triage service Monday to Friday.

Our staff endeavour to see patients as soon as possible but waiting times will vary dependent upon the number of patients attending and the priority of cases.

The Eye care service has a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care, ensuring that each patient benefits from complete assessment and management of their eye problems. 

Our team includes Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists, Nursing and technical staff

Whether you are visiting the hospital for routine treatment or are being seen in our Eye care service as part of your care for another condition, our specialists are all dedicated to giving you the full support you need.

To be seen by a member of our team you must be referred by an optician or other health care professional, usually your GP.  Your GP will arrange an appointment either through the Choose and Book system or by sending a referral letter to the Eye Department requesting an appointment to be made. Your first appointment will be at one of our outpatient clinics. 

A member of the Eye Care team will use the referral letter to decide which clinic is most suitable to treat your eye or visual problem, if your appointment has been booked in the Choose and Book service sometimes we may change it to ensure you are booked in the correct sub-specialty clinic.

Patients occasionally require extra tests and investigations to reach a diagnosis and assist clinical management.  More than one appointment may be required.

The Eye Care service has clinics at both Leighton Hospital and Northwich Victoria Infirmary – please check the location carefully on your letter.