About this service
The primary role of the Pharmacy at Leighton hospital, is to provide a comprehensive range of Pharmaceutical services to the patients of the Mid Cheshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, ensuring the best use of medicines and providing information about medicines to both patients and the professionals who treat them.
Aseptic Unit – this licensed facility provides a range of sterile medicines ready for patient use, including chemotherapy and parenteral nutrition.
Clinical Service – this provides specialist pharmacist and clinical technician support at ward level to ensure prescribing is safe, effective and economic. We provide medicines information and support to our patients. Inpatients are encouraged to bring all their own medicines into hospital with them in the original boxes.
Dispensary – this provides newly prescribed medication for inpatients during their stay and on discharge. The dispensary also supplies medicines for outpatient and day case patients.
Distribution & Procurement – this area purchases medicines and also supplies medicines routinely used in wards and departments on a “top-up” basis.
Education & Training - The pharmacy is forward thinking and actively encourages staff development through a number of education and training opportunities both in-house and through external courses and study days.
The department has excellent links with Keele University as well as a designated education and training technician and pharmacist.
Medicines Information – this area provides information on the use and administration of medicines to health care professionals and members of the public. There is also a medicines helpline on 01270 273221 which patients can use for any questions concerning discharge medication.
The Pharmacy also has Clinical Technicians and Pharmacists specialising in Antibiotic management, Clinical audit and Clinical trials.
The Pharmacy Department is located on the Ground Floor of Leighton Hospital, between the main crossroads and the Outpatients Waiting Area.
Pharmacy Medicines Formulary
The MCHFT Formulary includes medicines that have been approved by the Joint Medicines Management Group (JMMG) for prescribing within the Trust.
The purpose of the formulary is to ensure prescribing is evidence based and cost effective. All prescribing within the Trust (i.e. inpatient, outpatient and FP10HNC prescribing) must comply with the formulary. This will be monitored on a regular basis. Some drugs may appear in more than one section.