The Rapid Emergency Assessment Care Team (REACT) comprises of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Therapy Assistants. Predominantly we cover three clinical areas: A&E (Accident & Emergency), FEAU (Frailty) and AMU (Acute medical unit). We aim to avoid hospital admission by providing comprehensive therapy assessments within the Accident and Emergency Department. Timely discharge assessments are provided for patients on the medical assessment and Frailty ward, for patients whose admission cannot be avoided. Assessment and detailed intervention plans ensure that the patient journey through the hospital is streamlined and a focus on discharge planning is maintained.
Our team’s focus is to enhance flow within the hospital and offer a timely assessment for all patients requiring therapy input. As such this allows for many opportunities for interdisciplinary working within the team and positive relationships with medical, nursing and social care colleagues across frailty, emergency care, and community services.
The types of patients we see within our service include.
- Falls
- Acute deterioration of mobility
- Acute fracture not requiring admission
- Acute injury impairing use of mobility aids
- Acute confusion
- Back pain
- Patient not coping or unsafe at home
- New / change In neurology
- Change in respiratory function i.e. new oxygen demand / secretion management.
If you would like anymore information regarding our team or would like to meet us, please get in touch.