Research is pivotal in any professional field to advance and improve practice. Research led and delivered by Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals can drive change. 

Evidence from research influences and shapes these professions, informs and underpins policy, professional decision making and actions. In 2021 the Chief Nursing Officer for England announced a strategy for research with a focus on building the capacity and capability of the nursing workforce to become more research minded. Capacity and capability building involves supporting individuals and teams in a range of ways to make space for research activity. The primary aim being to enable staff at all stages in their career to develop the skills, confidence and knowledge to engage with, support, and utilise research and to become research leaders of the future where the aspiration exists.

There is a also a strategy for research published by the Chief Midwifery Officer and Allied Health Care Professionals lead. The three strategies link together to form one vision which is to embed research in everday care to provide the highest quality evidence for best practice. Take a look at the links below for more information.

If you are interested in developing a career in research or require support with your reseach pillar of practice please contact our Senior Research Leader for Nursing and Midwifery