Sensory Processing Occupational Therapy Support Service (SPOTSS) 
About this service
The Sensory Processing Occupational Therapy Support Service (SPOTSS) is jointly commissioned by the NHS, Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester Local Authorities to support children and young people in the area.
The team offer training, signposting, and resources available to schools in Cheshire West and Chester (CWAC) and Cheshire East (CE) area, to introduce sensory processing and to provide the tools to work with parents and young people to help determine and evaluate universal sensory strategies that can be used in schools to support the child with their regulation. Training is free and is booked through Eventbrite.
By upskilling school staff your child can be supported by those that can make immediate and meaningful change in the places they know well. Some children and young people might need more support, or some schools may want further advice, which is when a referral can be made.
Foundation Sensory Support Plan
A sensory support plan is the framework that we cover in our universal training to schools. By listening, watching and wondering, school staff, in collaboration with parents, can identify and reason a range of strategies that may support children with sensory and autistic wellbeing. Examples might include regular breaks, fidget toys, use of a wobble cushion, a screen around their table to block visual distraction or changing tone of voice when talking directly to the child. During our training we think about changing the environment or occupation (activity/task) to support the person. A different seat where the child has fewer visual distractions may be enough to make the difference in school to help the child’s focus.
SPOTSS is working with the charitable sector who are commissioned to support parents and carers. The Occupational Therapists have regular contact with Cheshire Autism Practical Support (ChAPS) and are also in touch with Space4Autism, Ruby's Fund, Autism Inclusive and Koala Northwest.
You could find us at events such as SEND marketplace, Parent Carer Forum conferences, Family Hub drop-ins and school coffee mornings.
The sensory portrait in the resources section below could be useful for parents to start thinking about sensory processing profiles for their child or opening the conversation with them.
As a team we are currently developing our parent support pathway and more information will be provided in coming months.
If you would like to talk to us about a non referred child or to make a general enquiry, please contact us via the link below.
Our Locations
Therapists work predominantly online, through consultations with the adults working with the children and young people.
Sensory Portraits
A one-page profile designed by the SPOTSS team to record and monitor sensory comforts and discomforts, alongside bridges and barriers for the child and what works for them. A great tool to start the sensory conversation with school or parents, and the young person.
This video explains more:
A one-page tool designed by the SPOTSS team to identify, record and monitor sensory comforts and discomforts, and identify which sensory comforts are a bridge to support the child's emotional regulation. A great tool to start the sensory conversation with school or parents, and the young person.
The great news is that you don’t need to make a referral to start accessing our service straight away. Our universal services are freely available to school staff without a referral and provide you with the knowledge, skills and resources to start meeting a child’s sensory needs right away.
Our universal training and other events are bookable via the link below.
SPOTSS Cheshire Events and Tickets | Eventbrite
Referrals can be made by SENCo’s for specific functional difficulties related to sensory processing, and with a completed sensory support plan or similar. If a child is not in school, then the school they are registered with can still make a referral. If your child is not registered with the school and you feel that the service can benefit your child, please contact your SEND caseworker to refer.
Referrals are accepted for children and young people who live within the boundaries of Cheshire West and Chester, or Cheshire East and either have a diagnosis of autism or are on the autistic pathway and attending a mainstream (including Independent) school. In Cheshire East referrals are accepted for children from Reception class age to year 11, and in CWAC it is Reception class age to year 6.
Once a referral has been accepted, further support from SPOTSS is initially provided through contact with teachers and could include:
- Consultations with the school regarding the SSP and additional/alternative strategies.
- Consultation or group workshops for parents and school staff around a specific occupational challenge such as eating, toileting, or concentration/attention for learning.
- Signposting to appropriate training/resources to support their knowledge and understanding (including training and resources from SPOTSS).
- Consultations/coaching with the wider team around the child including parent/carer and key professionals.
If schools have any enquiries about the above process, they can book onto the weekly SPOTSS information line, during term time which can be found on the EventBrite link above.
SOS Approach to Feeding | Feeding Disorders in Children
Eat and feed with joy (
Sensory Processing
Help with disabilities - Help for children and young people with disabilities | Falkirk Council
Local Offer
Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Children's Occupational Therapy, East Cheshire NHS Trust.
Children's Occupational Therapy Service, Live Well Cheshire West (
Children's Occupational Therapy Services, Live Well Cheshire East
Community Children's Occupational Therapy Service, Countess of Chester Hospital