A patient passport provides immediate and important information for doctors, nurses and administrative staff in an easy to read form, about any communication, anxieties, likes and dislikes a patient may have, promoting a positive experience for people who require reasonable adjustments.

When and how should the patient passport be used?

The patient passport should be taken with the service user when they are:

  • Admitted to hospital for any planned or unplanned assessment and treatment
  • Attending outpatient appointments in the hospital
  • Attending any other health appointments


If the patient has a patient passport completed, staff can be assured that the patient’s consent will have been obtained or it will have been deemed in the patient’s best interest.

The patient passport should always remain with the service user and any necessary updates should be written on the passport by hospital staff or any other health professionals.

How should the patient passport be completed?

Information recorded on the patient passport must be collected in consultation with the service user, their family and any other carers and professionals involved in caring and supporting them, whether this is at home, at day services, at work, at college or at hospital.

Patient Passport