Health and care staff and services have a legal duty to provide reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010.
Reasonable adjustments are small adjustments that can make a big difference for people who require support when they attend hospital or any other health appointments.
We will record any adjustments on your health record to ensure you receive the support you need.
Examples of reasonable adjustments which can be made include:
- Arranging the first or the last appointment of the day
- Arranging a double appointment
- Using tools such as pictures or images to support communication
- Communicating via technology, such as a tablet, telephone or digital pen
- Providing information in other formats, such as Easy Read or Braille
- Separate waiting areas (if available)
- Flexible visiting (if appropriate)
- Using an interpreter and translation service (if applicable)
If you would like more information about any support you require, please contact the department you are attending.