61. Nurse at VIN 2.jpgThe Trust provides a range of leaflets for patients, to provide additional information on a number of conditions. The leaflets that are currently available are listed in the categories below. 

All of our leaflets are available in audio, Braille, large print, easy read and other languages upon request. To request a copy, please telephone 01270 273104.

For additional information on symptoms, illnesses and injuries, the NHS Choices website can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thumbnail Title Size
PDF file icon Alder Hey Symptom Checker [AHCH] 0.08 MB
PDF file icon Asthma - My Asthma Plan [Asthma UK] 0.22 MB
PDF file icon Blood Tests in Childrens Outpatient Department - July 2024 0.20 MB
PDF file icon Bronchiolitis in Children May 2023 0.10 MB
PDF file icon Child Blood Tests in Childrens OPD May 2021 0.26 MB
PDF file icon Clubfoot CTEV Jun 2022 0.17 MB
PDF file icon Constipation in children and young people [NICE] 0.10 MB
PDF file icon Cystic Fibrosis Screen Positive Inconclusive Diagnosis (CFSPID) Oct 2023 0.30 MB
PDF file icon Fasting Advice for Morning List Feb 2023 0.03 MB
PDF file icon Fasting Advice for Afternoon List Feb 2023 0.05 MB
PDF file icon Febrile Convulsions - July 2024 0.15 MB
PDF file icon Feverish Illness in Children - June 2024 0.14 MB
PDF file icon Following a First Seizure without Fever [RCPCH] Nov 2019 0.05 MB
PDF file icon Genetics of cystic fibrosis and prenatal options [Alder Hey] 0.23 MB
PDF file icon Information for Families [NWTS] 0.10 MB
PDF file icon Macrogol 3350 Disimpaction Regime 12-18 years 0.17 MB
PDF file icon Macrogol 3350 Paediatric Disimpaction Regime 1-4 years 0.19 MB
PDF file icon Macrogol 3350 Paediatric Disimpaction Regime 5-11 years Nov 2022 0.17 MB
PDF file icon Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal disease: recognition, diagnosis and management [NICE] 0.10 MB
PDF file icon Meningitis Signs and Symptoms Card [Meningitis Now] 0.14 MB
PDF file icon My Diabetes Information V2.2 Nov 2023 0.38 MB
PDF file icon Newborn Hearing Screening Programme Aug 2022 0.14 MB
PDF file icon Paediatric Patient Initiated Follow Up April 2023 0.11 MB
PDF file icon Pain relief at home after an operation for children and young people Jan 2024 0.16 MB
PDF file icon Positional Talipes & Positional Clubfoot [STEPS] 0.05 MB
PDF file icon Prolonged Jaundice Screening Aug 2023 0.14 MB
PDF file icon Ready Steady Go - Transition Moving into Adult Care [TIER] 0.10 MB
PDF file icon sepsis patient Children Sept 2021 (1) 0.18 MB
PDF file icon Shared Care Service for Children and Young People with Cystic Fibrosis - May 2024 0.22 MB
PDF file icon Sweat Test Feb 2023 0.15 MB
PDF file icon Unselttled Infant Clinic leaflet reprinted May 2021 0.12 MB
PDF file icon Urinary tract infection in under 16s [NICE] 0.05 MB
PDF file icon Visiting the Child and Adolescent Unit Oct 2023 0.11 MB
PDF file icon West Syndrome (infantile spasms) [Epilepsy Action] 0.10 MB
PDF file icon When a child dies [NHS England] 0.48 MB
PDF file icon Your Asthma Action Plan [Asthma UK] 0.04 MB
PDF file icon Your Baby's Visit to the Audiology Clinic [PHE] 0.14 MB
PDF file icon Your Childs General Anaesthetic - May 2024 0.16 MB