What is the Readers’ Panel?

1._Assistant_Practitioner.jpgThe Readers’ Panel is a group of people who have volunteered to read new and newly revised information that the staff at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust write for their patients. Feedback from patients and the public is an integral part of our quality assessment process.

Why does the Trust need a Readers’ Panel?

We need people to volunteer to be part of the panel because we feel that patients and the public can tell us if we are getting the information right. It is important to us that we know we are using the right words, in the right way to get our message across clearly.

How does the Readers’ Panel work?

People on the panel are sent up to a maximum of one leaflet per month to read and comment on.

They are asked to think about:

  • How the information is worded

  • How it is presented

  • Whether it answers the questions they would have

All members are free to comment on any aspect of the leaflet that they feel needs improvement or praise.

How long do I have in which to read and comment on the leaflets?

We ask that people try to read and comment on any information they are sent within 2 weeks of receiving it.

How do the leaflets get to me?

We can send the leaflets by post or email, whichever you prefer.

Will I have to pay to return my comments?

No, if you have had the leaflets posted out to you, you will also be sent a reply paid envelope to send them back in. There may also be the opportunity to comment on the leaflets via this website.

Do I have to read and comment on all leaflets sent to me?

Whether you read and comment on leaflets that are sent to you is entirely up to you. It might be that you are having a busy time, are off on holiday, not feeling well or simply don’t feel like it. You decide whether you want to do it, not us.

How do I give my comments?

Again, this is up to you. You can either write them directly onto the draft of the leaflets sent to you or use the form we send. There may also be the opportunity to comment on the leaflets via this website.

What happens to the leaflets once I have commented on them?

Once we have received your comments they are sent to the original authors. This is an opportunity for the author to check that any amendments we make as result of your comments have not altered the meaning or accuracy of the leaflet. Once the authors have given approval the leaflet is then put into circulation.

What happens to the leaflets once I have commented on them?

 You can see how we use your comments to improve our information for patients in one of two ways:

  • You can ask to have a copy of the finalised leaflet posted to you
  • You can look at the finalised leaflet on the Trust’s web site
Please select an option.(Please select the leaflet you are reviewing)
1. Is the layout to your liking?
2. Does the information flow correctly?
3. Is the language patient friendly?
4. Are the illustrations useful?
5. Have you made any amendments to the leaflet?