The SNA role is a fantastic opportunity to progress to a registered nursing associate role; however, you should not underestimate the work and commitment required. As a SNA you will effectively be working in a role and completing a foundation degree in nursing within two years.

This section should give you some useful hints and tips on completing the application form to give you the best chance of getting an invite to the assessment centre.

Completing the TRAC application from

To apply for a SNA role, you will need to complete a TRAC application form as instructed in the advert. The application form is lengthy, but you need to make sure you spend time to complete it with as much information as possible.

The SNA recruitment process is competitive with high numbers of applicants and the selection process is anonymous. The shortlister will not see your personal details so it is important that you provide all the relevant details in the application form.

First impressions count - do not assume you will get an interview.

The application form is the first stage of the application process and will help us understand you, your current skill set and your academic achievements. As a potential SNA apprentice, it is important to remember that you will be studying for a foundation degree in nursing.

Completing the following sections on the TRAC application form will ensure that we get the information we need to understand your suitability for the role. Please pay particular attention to the following sections of the form:

  • Education & Professional Qualifications

You should provide a complete list of all your qualifications. So as proceed to shortlisting it is essential that have the required qualifications, full details of the essential qualifications are on what you need before you apply section.

  • Relevant Training Courses Attended

As an experienced and competent healthcare support worker you should have attended a number of training courses. Please list these courses, to provide evidence of your competency within your current role and continuing professional development.

  • Current/most recent employer & Previous employer

To ensure we get all the information we need and to understand your suitability for the role you will need to provide a full work history. This should include your current employer, the types of patients you have looked after and any additional initiatives or projects you may have been involved in the clinical area.

You may have worked in non-clinical roles in the past, and it is important that you also include these roles. There are many skills, gained in a previous role that are transferable to a healthcare setting, be sure to state them in your application form.

  • Supporting Information

This section is essential, and an ideal opportunity for you to explain why you are an ideal candidate for the SNA role. Before completing this section, it is really important that you have considered what skills and attributes are required to become a nursing associate.

Your application is scored based on quality and detail you provide to match the requirements. Most importantly you should demonstrate a good understand of the SNA role and that of the Registered Nursing Associate.

We will also be using this section to assess your communication skills, and you should take time to complete this section in a well thought out, detailed and concise manner.

Once you have completed your application make sure you check it thoroughly. Incorrect spelling, badly structured sentences and lack of relevant detail is not going to result in a quality application. Make sure that your application is not too long; don’t include information that is irrelevant or repetitive.